Dr. Stokes as Pastor
Dr. Stokes was raised in a non-religious family and home though his grandmother was a devout Christian who played organ for her local church. Coming from an abusive and dysfunctional family, he was introduced to the church around the age of 10 through a children’s choir.
In Jr. High and High School he made a profession of faith and became active in Youth for Christ.
“My need to belong and be loved was competing between my musicianship and personality. Both made me acceptable to ministry and entertainment. I vacillated between the two trying to find a safe place to land. But the instability of my childhood made that impossible.”
Married at twenty and serving as associate pastor of a church, his anger, childhood and lack of serious discipleship pushed him into a serious rebellion against God, marriage, people and himself.
“For several years I openly rebelled against anything religious. I studied the Bible to mock it and convince others of its contradictions. Ultimately, God drew me back and I became convinced that the Biblical text would be the foundation of my life.”
Renewed in his marriage and faith, Dr. Stokes was introduced to Harold Coble, a Baptist minister, who became a second father to him. Harold nurtured him, taught him and encouraged him even to the point of demanding that he return to College.
Dr. Stokes studied the Behavioral Sciences and Theology in the context of their differing answers to life’s ultimate questions. He realized to put these into proper relationship he would have to study them in depth. He chose anthropology as the vehicle to function as his primary discipline. Four degrees later he had a mature faith, and with the support of a strong relational Christian community, he emerged a Serious Religious Christian.
His Pastoral Experience and Credentials include:
Campus Life Director
Youth for Christ
Orange County, CA
Drug Counselor
Teen Challenge
Orange County, CA
Hot Line Counselor
Melodyland Christian Center
Anaheim, CA
Associate Pastor
El Modena Friends Church
Orange CA.
California District Director
United Evangelical Churches
Monrovia, CA
Licensed Minister (1969) UEC
Ordained Minister (1974) UEC
Associate Pastor
Mid-Cities Baptist Church
Westminster, CA
Ordained Minister (1978) SBC
Pastor / Teacher
First Baptist Church
Westminster, CA
Teaching Pastor
The Garden Church
Anaheim Hills, CA
Pastor / Teacher
The DiscipleCenter
Anaheim Hills, CA